Wednesday, January 25, 2012

TU Tuesday - MONSTER

My Question: Did she kill Caylee? How was she found Not Guilty?
Where is she now?

The Times Union article I read was about “ the whole casey anthony fiasco with caylee”. Casey Anthony was on trail for murdering her daughter Caylee anthony. "The 25-year-old Anthony was acquitted last July of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in a trial that captured the nation's attention”.i don’t know how she got off ,i do believe that she is guilty because all the evidence points towards her yet the jury was stupid and said she was incident . Justice has not been given to her 2 year old daughter caylee. “Danziger said he was reluctant to recount all the information Anthony told him during his interviews with her, especially allegations that she had been sexually abused and her contention that her father played a role in covering up Caylee's death. Anthony told the psychiatrist that her father had found Caylee's drowned body in the family's swimming pool, helped disposed of it and then covered it up. During the trial, George Anthony denied playing any role in Caylee's disappearance or death”. Now she is somewhere in orlando jail spending her sentence for lying to the police whitch was the only thing he was guilty of. “Orange County Jail"

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