Wednesday, December 21, 2011


“The plot of "The Smurfs" looks like "The Usual Suspects" by comparison — but there is something in this film for absolutely everyone"= simile: a comparison between two unlike things using "like" or “as”

"Plenty of slapstick. When one of the Chipmunks gets hit in the testicles, he actually yells, "My acorns!”= personification:The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in.

"he actually yells” =OnomatopoeiaThe use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound

The article that i read was about."Alvin and the Chipmunks" movie on a remote island seems like a potential gift for cynical parents”. This movie “ these rodents — spoiler alert! — survive for a fourth incarnation, which no doubt will involve the introduction of a smaller cuter cousin”. I didn’t understand what he meant by them surviving they have to survive they are the main character you can’t just kill them off. “Still, the movie does have a certain calculated genius. The story is a jumbled mess — the plot of "The Smurfs" looks like "The Usual Suspects" by comparison — but there is something in this film for absolutely everyone”. Apparently there were some stupid people in theater" Kids: Plenty of slapstick. When one of the Chipmunks gets hit in the testicles, he actually yells, "My acorns!”.Teens: Justification for bratty behavior. If anything, it seems as if the chipmunks are rewarded for defying authority figures.Parents: Seemingly random and mostly dated pop culture nods. During an early hang gliding scene, Alvin says, "I can see Russia from here!" Another chipmunk references the Dos Equis "Most interesting man in the world" commercials.” I think it will be good for all ages no matter what happens 

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